

8 May 2014

Another Great Day!

The workshop continued on Wednesday 7th with presentations about Processes and Procedures and Graphs by Samantha. Participants were able to present their Oral Presentations prepared yesterday and in the afternoon session, participants explored Job Hunting Skills and held Job Interviews in a role play. The day concluded with a Closing Ceremony featuring the launch of a board game devised by Melaka Politeknik English Dept. Head, Marina Abu Bakar called 'What Say You'. Informative speeches from the Director of Melaka Politeknick and another by CEO of Brighton Education Mr.Christopher Bell were also presented The workshop was very successful and hopefully we can repeat this type of activity in other Politekniks in Malaysia as well as some other options for supporting English teaching and teaching in English in Politekniks. Big thank yous to all at Melaka Politeknik English Department and everyone who participated in the workshop.


  1. Having just read your article, I wanted to thank you for it. It’s fascinating and inspirational everyone should read it (but sadly that may be too much to hope for!) Steve Curtis, You are amazing!
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  2. As a CEO, you’ll wear a variety of hats, including Melaka Politeknik English, Marina Abu Bakar and Politeknik English Dept. Occasionally, you might even dabble in social outreach.
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